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Gesprek Barbara Neves Alves

Goedele Wellens

5 oktober 2019

Gesprek #1 expertmeeting

Gesprek # 1 Barbara Neves Alves Gesprek ging heel erg over kolonialisme en materieel erfgoed, zij adviseert musea te inventariseren die bezig zijn of verwant zijn aan mijn onderzoek. Tip: Contact opnemen Wayne Modest, museum voor Wereldculturen! Richard Kofi is daar curator, gaat ons debat leiden voor KE in Confrontatie. # Focusgroep # people > Dialoog rond kunst, openen van diverse perspectieven, vragen over diversiteit  Welke organisaties in NL zijn daar mee bezig?  Welke musea?  Welke dialogen worden al gevoerd?  Wat is communicatie? How can art bring on different perspectives? Bron: Sites for unlearning in the museum – Nancy Jouwe Sociologische aspect meer loslaten? Bron: Venus in two acts – Nancy Jouwe Only one part of history has been researched, there is only one part of the history of people that is talked of. I can position myself towards a gap in the archive and history…. Narrative fabulation?? Tip: Contact opnemen of meedoen Jennifer Tosh – black heritage tour > rondleidingen Amsterdam, vertelt verhalen over de black history of Amsterdam. Ze wil het Rijksmuseum forceren om andere verhalen te vertellen. Hoe wordt het verhaal van een schilderij verteld? Bron: Patricia Schor – whiteness in black archives. Urban landscape in The Netherlands, vooral in publieke ruimte. Bron: Black Archives > mail sturen, super veel informatie, veel kunstenaars die daar werken. Venice Biënnale > Back Research Fellows, Current Fellows > ????? Advise: Choose one project, one point of view and go deeper and start experimenting. It’s my subjective on my position in the world, about questioning myself Remap and redefine. How can we unlearn as an institution. NGO is lastig, minder benaderbaar > i.r.t. mijn idee om Unesco te benaderen Ground it somewhere, you think with something not about something Cultural Probes > onderzoeksmethode: What are cultural probes? Cultural probes are a qualitative research tool, where open ended activities are given to a group of participants to learn more about their daily lives and environment. They start conversations amongst designers and bring novel insights. For example: More specifically we wanted to answer the following questions: What sources of influence are present in participants’ day-to-day lives? What are participants’ food aspirations and how do they compare to their food realities? What emotional reactions do certain foods illicit in participants? Tip: Beginnen met experimenteren. Starting conversation: Bron: Edit Kaldor website with lots of papers and books.

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